Shanghai On Internet Famous dishes in Shanghai

Steamed Eel (Shaping Like Frog)


an eel, 100g ham, an onion, some green cabbage leaves, salt, gourmet powder, rice wine, pepper, shredded chives


  1. After cleaning the eel, knife it into thick slices, then pickle them with salt and gourmet powder for about ten minutes.
  2. Knife the ham into pieces like mahjong pieces, put the ham piece between the eel slices, forming the figure of a frog.
  3. Scald the green cabbage leaves in boiling water and then spread them in a dish, carve the onion into a lotus flower and cut the cherry into the lotus flower stamen, put them in the central part of the dish.
  4. Steam the eel slices for about 18 minutes, then take out and put them in the dish.

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