Shanghai On Internet Famous dishes in Shanghai

Steamed Prawns & Fried Eel


10 prawns, 250g eel, bamboo shoot shreds, ham shreds, soy, vinegar, rice wine, sesame oil, salt, gourmet powder, sugar, chives, ginger, mashed garlic, pepper, water chestnut powder, delicious soup


  1. Gash the eel, remove the head, tail and bone, clean and slice it into pieces shaped like butterfly, add little salt, rice wine, water chestnut powder to mix up.
  2. Shell the prawns but retain the tails, gash them on the back and make cross shape cuts on the meat, add little salt, gourmet powder, pepper to pickle for 1-2 minutes, then roll up and skewer them with toothpicks, steam them in a steamer for 5 minutes, then take out and pour the paste made from delicious soup, salt, water chestnut powder, and little done oil, place them in the outer part of a dish.
  3. Fry the eel meat slices to be almost done, put them in a holed ladle to drain off oil.
  4. Saute the chives, ginger, mashed garlic, put in the eel meat, then the mixture of soy, vinegar, sugar, rice wine, water chestnut powder and delicious soup, turn them up several times, pour sesame oil, take out and place them in the centre of the dish.

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