Shanghai On Internet Famous dishes in Shanghai

Liquor-soaked chicken


1 young chicken, salt, gourmet powder, fish gravy, ginger, apple, Shaoxing wine, white wine, grain alcohol


  1. Kill and clean the chicken, cut off its feet, drain off water.
  2. Scald it in boiling water for half a minute, then stew it for 15 minutes, after cooling, quarter it, coat little salt and grain alcohol on them to pickle for 2 hours.
  3. Mix up the Shaoxing wine, chicken soup, white wine, fish gravy, grain alcohol in proportion of 20:10:5:3:1, add in ginger chips, apple slices, gourmet powder, salt to make a liquor gravy, then put in the chicken parts to be pickled for 24 hours, after that, knife them into bun shape, place them in a dish, pour the liquor gravy on them.

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